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The Key Features of Art Deco Styling
Glamourous, luxurious, bold geometries, rich colours and decadent detail work, in our opinion, it’s a fantastic look that suits all sorts of homes, not just those with an Art Deco exterior. Modern Art Deco interiors can range from entire rooms fitted out in the style, to the addition of subtle touches here and there. Either way, it has the potential to add a massive ‘wow’ factor to your home.
Due its diverse range of influences Art Deco has a significant number of design traits. We've listed the main ones below. Click on those you want to know more about to see real world examples and modern day objects that feature the trait in question.
To help you incorporate these features into your interior design, we've included them on every product review. If you want to research Art Deco design in greater depth we'd suggest reading one of the books we've reviewed, link below.